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kathy hochul check

Kathy Hochul Check - FILE - New York Governor Kathy Hochul speaks on Oct. 27, 2022 in Syracuse, NY, about investing in microchip manufacturing in New York State at Onondaga Community College. Democrats have created a super-PAC in New York to advance incumbent Kathy Hochul administration, a sign of the party's growing fear that a late surge from its Republican challenger Lee Zeldin could spark an uproar in the blue state. (AP Photo/Joshua Bessex, File)

NEW YORK (Yakov M / ) - Governor Kathy Hochul is completely panicked. Virtually the entire Orthodox Jewish community supported Lee Zeldin, due to Hochul's lack of support for our community.

Kathy Hochul Check

Kathy Hochul Check

Many rabbis and community leaders believe we are being targeted, and unlike Lee Zeldin, who was a true friend of the Jews, Hochul threw us under the bus.

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As a result, the governor issued a statement asking for Jewish support. She is clearly desperate to save what was once a reliable Democratic voting bloc. However, if you read her letter carefully, Hochula's position on the most important issues for our community has not changed. She cleverly uses ambiguous words, but her true feeling is undoubtedly clear.

As your governor, I proudly stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters across the state and will continue to send a strong message that New York has zero tolerance for anti-Semitism. This community has been targeted for so many years and I will do everything I can to protect you from harm and hatred and continue to fight for your right to practice your faith.

Governor Hochul did not do "everything in her power". Quite the opposite. She caused crime to spread and Jews were repeatedly the target of violent anti-Semitic hate crimes.

Despite overwhelming support from the frum community (at least until recent weeks), Hochul has not implemented any policies to reduce anti-Semitism or punish those who commit hate crimes. Her cashless bail policy, which she refuses to reverse, has given criminals the guarantee that they can commit heinous crimes repeatedly, without consequences.

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The numbers don't lie. A recent ADL report showing New York led the nation with 416 reported anti-Semitic incidents last year. This year is already worse, with 577 reported incidents in the first seven months.

I recognize that education is an important value in the Jewish community and I want to assure everyone that Jewish schools will always be treated fairly and with respect.

Hochul did not treat Jewish schools with "fairness and respect." The state education department focused on the yeshivas. They are trying to invade our schools and hijack their curriculum with devastating restrictions. Unlike Lee Zeldin, Hochul avoided the problem and basically said there was nothing she could do. Yeshivas and Jews are discriminated against, their constitutional rights are violated and Hochul, the country's most powerful politician, remains silent.

Kathy Hochul Check

I also fundamentally believe that every school in New York City should have the resources to provide appropriate education that gives every student the opportunity to succeed, and I remain committed to ensuring that it continues to be so.

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If you read these words carefully, Hochul hints that he supports the equivalence guidelines. "Adequate education" and "opportunity to succeed" are code words suggesting a revision of the yeshiva's curriculum. Hochul, a typical politician, chooses her words carefully so that all parties see what they want. However, a careful reading makes it clear that she is not behind the yeshiva.

I am proud of the relationships I have built over the years with members and leaders of New York's Orthodox Jewish communities. As a lieutenant governor, I have visited many Jewish summer camps in the Catskill Mountains and have seen firsthand the wonderful children who come through our great state through our yeshiva system. As governor, my understanding and appreciation for the Jewish community only grew stronger.

When Hochul was lieutenant governor, and the Jewish community was tortured and singled out by Cuomo's "red zones," while the black community was allowed to protest en masse, where was Hochul? She refused to defend our community. When Cuomo closed camps in the Catskills for political reasons and our children suffered, where was Hochul? Her “appreciation for the Jewish community” comes in handy NOW, when Hochul desperately needs our votes. However, her data is very lacking and contradicts these words.

I want New York's Jewish community to thrive and educate their children here as they contribute to the mosaic of our beautiful state. I will continue to work with rabbis, administrators and leaders in the Jewish community to assist them in any way I can so that New York's Jewish communities will grow and prosper for many years to come.

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When he says "work with administrators and leaders in the Jewish community," Hochul is happy to receive our donations and likely give money to our institutions in return. In addition, she made it clear that she does not want our community to "grow and prosper." Between rampant anti-Semitic hate crimes and the war on yeshiva, New York's Jewish community is suffering more than ever in recent memory, and Hochul threw us under the bus.

Read the key line from @KathyHochul's letter: "Provide education that gives every student the opportunity to succeed" because... Yeshivas don't. The perceived lack of success of yeshiva alumni is what anti-yeshiva agitation is based on. — Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 1, 2022 Election season checks will average $970 but will be significantly higher in high-tax school districts in the Hudson Valley.

Governor Kathy Hochul's election year budget has a one-time gift of $2.2 billion to about 2 million New York homeowners to be delivered in the fall, just as voters focus on the 2022 gubernatorial race.

Kathy Hochul Check

Hochul wants to take $2.2 billion of the state's projected $5 billion surplus and return it to homeowners earning up to $250,000 a year. It is awarded through the state's STAR property tax program, which pays a portion of school taxes for eligible homeowners.

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It is one of the few state programs that offers the greatest benefits to homeowners in affluent suburban communities in the Hudson Valley and Long Island.

While Hochul labeled the program a "middle class" initiative, the STAR program limits a family's income to $500,000. The median household income in New York is $69,000, according to the U.S. census.

Election season checks will average $970 for those who own property outside of New York, but will be significantly higher in high-tax school districts in the Hudson Valley.

The average statewide STAR benefit is $762, according to state spokesman James Gazelle. SoHochul's check can be as much as 127% more than what you already receive. That means if your STAR benefit is $1,000 today, your extra check under Hochul's plan could be as much as $1,270.

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That money has more than doubled in the 13 days since Hochul's address in the United States. That day, she proposed a $1 billion property tax rebate program. In her budget speech on Tuesday, the program was valued at $2 billion. At the time, Budget Director Robert Mujica said it would be worth $2.2 billion.

"We have a surplus and we are incurring large expenditures," Mujica said. “We want to return that dividend to the people of New York who have suffered from the pandemic and are in need of assistance.

The rebate program was the most significant tax news in the budget. It also included accelerated income tax cuts that began in 2018 under Governor Andrew Cuomo and would be phased in over seven years.

Kathy Hochul Check

Hochul wants to consolidate the final interest rate cut, worth $ 1.2 billion. But taxpayers won't see any impact from the changes until 2023.

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Tax credits are considered a tax credit that will apply for the 2022 tax year. But waiting for the tax credit to apply when you fill out your 2023 tax forms won't come soon enough for the Hochula administration, which wants them to be issued sooner .

The credits will be issued before 2022 tax returns are printed and will be "mailed directly to eligible homeowners in the fall of 2022," according to budget documents.

Peter Warren, director of research at the Empire Center for Public Policy in Albany, said the cash infusion for homeowners this fall will provide some relief for New Yorkers who pay some of the highest property taxes in the country. But it will do nothing to bring structural changes to the overall tax system, he said.

"It's a one-time payback to people," Warren said. “I'm sure the legislature will try to spend on budget items for the election year. And these discounts will be announced just before her election.”

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Since discount checks are tied to a percentage of your current STAR benefits, the amount you will receive in Fall 2022 will depend on how much you currently receive through

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